Vishrant’s School of Mystery
I’ve been here for over a month now.
A soulful vacation focused on shadow work.
Even though I knew it wouldn’t be a walk in the park, I had far too many dreams and illusions about how it could be.
One daydream further from reality than the next.
I saw myself/us walking on the beach, going on excursions, organizing kizumba classes, holding women’s circles, cooking dinners, and hosting presence meetings. I didn’t think much about the shadow work at all.
Except just before the trip. That’s when the fear kicked in.
Now, a month after arriving, the Mystery School is in full swing.
It’s a rollercoaster like no other on an energy level.
No matter how much I search, all I find is space when I tune into Vishrant.
I’ve looked him in the eyes for a long time, hugged him, felt, and no, there really is nothing there (as is usually the case).
In the emptiness, there is nowhere to hide.
That, of course, is the charm.
But it’s also what makes it very difficult for the ego.
Vishrant is 100% on our side, that part who want to wake up and become free. The ego, its stories and patterns, are not supported here, not one bit.
He doesn’t need anything from me or anyone else. He is free from the mind and completely satisfied with life as it is, regardless of what happens.
I’ve never met anyone like him before. Someone who sees me fully.
There’s something incredibly vulnerable in that.
But also, all the difficult things.
I remember my first “encounter group” in TNT. There, we received feedback on our patterns and strategies to get love and appreciation. Also, on how we avoided responsibility.
It was like receiving a small snowball, which then grew bigger and bigger the more one saw about oneself.
The same thing is happening now.
In the presence of a master, everything gets seen. The good, the bad and the ugly.
This time, I’m better equipped. I know the art of feeling. I know when I get stuck in thoughts and when I let go.
In TNT, I still hadn’t understood the process and was pushing most things aside, making sure to hide the sides that weren’t appreciated.
This is an encounter school for freedom.
Here, we get feedback when we don’t take responsibility.
In my case, when I shared my personal story on Facebook without considering others, how my sharing might be perceived, or the consequences.
So, besides letting go of the mind and practicing openness, I’m learning more about how my words and actions affect others. To look a little further than my own bubble.
And also paying more attention to why I say something, to see my own agenda (and yes, mostly it still happens afterwards and not before).
I see “new” uncomfortable family patterns emerging, how we sacrifice each other to get our way, and how this plays out in life. How it makes me scared and suspicious. That it’s hard for me to accept that someone might just want the best for me without wanting something in return.
Fear of cult-like behaviour is another. Fear of saying yes and amen, not thinking for myself, and crossing one’s own boundaries, not staying in integrity. I realize now that this fear has created an agenda of its own. To stand outside and not participate. Not being able to surrender.
Then there’s the usual stuff that comes alive, which on the surface is about fitting in, not making mistakes, wanting to be included, being in control, wanting to know, the desire to be seen and be special…
But at a deeper level, it’s rooted in loneliness and low self-worth.
So yes, the pot is boiling.
I’m simply doing my best to be present with everything that’s happening, reminding myself over and over again to stay open, and not jump into any familiar patterns, but instead do something new.
It’s also incredibly beautiful to be surrounded by a group of people who think it’s completely natural to be in a state of boiling and processing. Who doesn’t buy into your stories but also stand on the side that wants to be free.
That everyone wants you to become an updated version of yourself.
There’s something about honesty that charms me.
It definitely makes life both more fun and easier.
Thank you for telling us exactly how it is for you. I find your words courageous and strong.
Love you💜🫶🏻. Thank you for sharing your experience 🤗